It's a Rogue Halloween – a cople of random shots
Nov 22, 2021
It took half a pot of coffee to eke an image out of the exposure for the intro image. Nan: “Oh quit whining!” One can simply enjoy the singing, or follow along with the plot, often including plants in the audience. It always makes for a great event. This is something of a random shot posting – as I put off for last two tricky postings: one showing some wide-angle shots with a lot of activity, and a look at the “cow bell” melee that was the finale. The tricky part will be that of selection. In both segments the action was so fast that there was a lot of burst exposing, and a heck of a lot to choose from. My secret weapon there is Nan – nothing like a brutal, harsh, opinionated critic to force one to make some needed decisions and/or choices.
Left to rightL Caleb gordon and Jes Langley with their backs turned, Scott, Bre, Nate Gordon on keyboard in the background, Katie, LH James, Moxie and Alex Fintak.
Below I caught Rogue beauty Jessy Gordon-Burtell (deep in the shadows) dancing with her husband. She looks well recovered from having their first baby earlier this year.
This is Rogue member Joseph Murphy, along with his partner/guest/friend?, taking to the floor from the audience.
Finally a stretch shot back into the background to catch Jeremy Hicks-Kachik in his own groove. He seems to like to wear those horns for Halloween.
All added to page 2 of the Rogue Swan Night of Mischief folio…