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A Chorus Line? and other Moments

Oct 3, 2022

This is a chorus line that is entertaining enough without costuming. Though the Rockettes they are not. The second shot, below, follows closely. Seems like they are all adding a proud “Ta da” to their performance. Shooting rehearsals, the troupe calling for numbers, or sometimes parts of numbers, sometimes leaves me with no idea whatsoever what I’m shooting. It’s a lot of fun though – and there’s always the challenge of working with horrendous precious lighting.

Here Dane looks like he’s trying to protect Katie – somebody should tell him that that isn’t going to work out all that well.

In this number Dane is the only one on the floor at this point – I haven’t a clue as to what that is all about.

Finally, sometimes it’s fun to zoom in on stage background activity – carefully coordinated but can be missed if not watching for it. Here Emily and Jess Langley practice their pose at one point.

Silver Scream rehearsal folio is HERE