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Lilli Picks Three More Band Pictures – and a missed (oops) cast portrait

Oct 25, 2022

The intro shot is of Jason Bock. Always difficult to get a good “action” shot of the meistro of the keyboard – even if he does have the cool shaved head. The hands are always moving, but not much else. This is the first time I’ve like what I got – in an extremely dark part of the room with nothing but his keyboard light. It’s also nice that he’s wearing a Rogue Swan shirt (I’ve got that one)…

Lilli helps out by sending me a list of her favorites, these came in along with those in the last posting – good choices. Next is the new violinist Hannah concentrating on her music – fortunately there was a tiny bit of light coming in over the stage backdrop for this one. 

Will, who can clown around with the best of them on stage, originally brought his real talent to the troupe, violin. No front lighting whatsoever for this one. At first I was disappointed when I realized that I managed to focus on the violin, leaving his face slightly out. But then I decided I liked it and to simply declare that I did it that way on purpose.

And the missed portrait – here’s Stephen, the new Drummer. They may be hidden way in the back, but they make the most noise… At least he managed, what with the glasses magnifying his eyes, to look quite a bit spooky for this one.

Into the folio with these HERE