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Continuing Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala

Nov 23, 2022

Images from the October Hafla are considerably belated – sorry about the wait for anyone looking for them. The girls got their color versions in a timely fashion though, and they are free to use any they want. The B&Ws are different. For me to add an exposure to this collection, it has to say something to me. Fortunately I’ve gotten a lot out of the Hafla series. Between the challenge of catching the action and “precious” lighting, sometimes I’m lucky to pull one image from a performance, occasionally none, and surprisingly at times an entire sequence. Fortunately I sometimes get another crack at a dancer who I failed to capture to my liking the first time, and nail it. It’s also happened the other way around. Then of course there are the few forever great dancers. 

I’ve decided to try and finishe these up before returning to my Silver Scream work – more tomorrow. The intro shot, along with the first below, is from a trio called Amare. It was a very interesting interpretive dance.

Much of this Gala was themed to coincide with Halloween. This next performer, She’Vei danced as some sort of rag-doll. Not exactly the sensuous belly dance, but I really liked it:

Nan really liked watching Martina, who really seemed to be enjoying herself, dance and swirl around her very bountiful skirt. 

Hafla images are added to the front page of the folio as they are posted (there in order of appearance) HERE

We had “better lighting” for this performance. I’m sure it was much more video friendly, but I’ll admit that I prefer the horrible lighting of previous Haflas – a lot of work but the results are much more dramatic. I’m looking forward to working up the exposures of couple of the later dancers……