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"I am Kong" and Catching-up…

Nov 21, 2022

I’m about a dozen numbers (songs) behind with show images from Silver Scream, as well as having barely gotten started with October’s Hafla images. Not to mention October First Friday. Plus it’s that season of the year where one can barely catch their breath before something else demands time. I’m working on it.

These are some actual show images from the “Kong” number. Much closer perspectives were gotten in dress rehearsal – it’s still up in the air as to whether I’ll leave the separation between the two folios, combine dress and show in one, or just mark in rehearsals where dress begins. Work to do first. For the show I had to be in the last row – not bad at the Opera house where the last row is almost level with the state. But at Milburn stone one is looking way down on the stage, leaving a sea of heads to navigate. Plus the lighting for this show – don’t get me started on that nightmare. In spite of which, this was one fabulous show, well worth seeing. Trust Rogue Swan to bring you rare, wonderful experiences – especially for Halloween.

In the folio HERE…, keeping them in close to order of appearance.

• I’m back to working on the Hafla (bellydance) images from October – where I’ve only posted one of the dancers so far. The first posting of those will be next. I’ll try to alternate those and Silver Scream for a while,

• My new Fuji X-T5 is here, yay. Some of its extra capabilities in low light will be a huge help with both Rogue Swan and Hafla work. I’m looking forward to checking it out at the Christmas parade. The increase in resolution (26-40) will be a gain where cropping is needed.