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Moonshine Autumn Bellydance Gala – three more

Nov 23, 2022

Only one more after this from the Halloween Hafla. The intro shot here is by far my favorite from the shoot. When you’re challenged with multiple separate color lights illuminating the stage, you almost always get a surprise when you begin the conversion to b&w. And when the red is strong – the contrast can make for some real opportunities for drama. This is Taschen – the shadows on the curtain were barely visible in color. Here are my two runner-up shots of her – they will show up full size in the folio HERE

My pick for Lorelei – always a great performer, is first here. Then again at the end where she manages to look quite spooky peering over her spider-web shawl. 

Below, Ariadne strikes a pose in her black, reflective outfit. 

Again, they are all full size at the front of the Bellydance folio HERE… One more posting to come from this event. Our own April Monique, who also manages the event, will be in that group. Working on them now.