b&w images • blog • project journal

I know, Halloween is over, but…

Dec 8, 2022

Between the season being upon us and my getting far behind because of a rough summer in some ways, I’m playing catch-up on the Rogue Swan Silver Scream folio of images. It doesn’t help that these are some of the toughest conversions to b&w I’ve ever faced. This is a rather large posting – ha half dozed from each, the Groove 9 number and All Them Witches. Beginning with All them Witches – all are full size in the folio HERE:

Groove 9:

Again, all are full size in the folio HERE… 

There was no rushing these – after working up just a couple, I feel like I’ve been beaten about the head for an hour. I hope to finish these up in batches of two numbers – this show deserves the record these will provide.