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They Had it Coming…

Feb 7, 2022

Another posting as I play catch-up with exposures from Rogue’s Vaudeville show at the Opera house in 2018. Again, this was something of a first as far as photographing a full stage performance for me. I pretty much knew what I was doing – at the same time I was coming off decades of field shooting, looking for that one shot of the day that said enough to print – people, I’d pretty much avoided including them. With a couple of years of this under my belt – I'm out how to approach what I have. Not to mention going back and applying my new double-raw extreme iso work-flow to these exposures now.

This sequence of images is from “Cell Block Tango”, also known as He Had it Coming, a number from the musical Chicago. This is where the girls charged with murder are explaining, in very humorous song, why they should be acquitted. Spectacular. I thought this verwion was better than the movie, where it was way overdone with music video style overkill.

Rogue will be performing again at the Opera House in April – trust me, it will be a gotta-go.

The opening shot here shows the girls lined up to tell their stories. Below I tried to catch each as she gave her version of He Had it Coming.

The final image is of April, Katie and Jess during the number:

This added another full row and a half of images to the folio gallery HERE… where they all appear full size.