An Interesting Dance Skit – Moonshine Hafla Mardi Gras Edition at the State Theater 2
Mar 14, 2022
Looks like the April’s Haflas have found a home. While the stage high backlighting can play havoc with my metering, in the end it’s a good venue for the dancers, and I can come up woth some nice exposures (albeit painfully). And if anyone is wondering why they would want to attend one of these Haflasm bellydance and related performances, these two girls are a good example of what they are missing. In fact I’ve never had such a hard time eliminating exposures to use – every few days I’ll post the next performer.
This is Lindsey McCormick and Jessica Welch – or Queen Bastet, performing a little dance skit. The images are arranged in order of occurrence.
Added to the Hafla folio HERE… (dancers welcome to download and use at will).