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Krystal and Oona – Moonshine Hafla Mardi Gras Edition at the State Theater 4

Mar 16, 2022

The next two to perform were Krystal Nicole and Oona. Luck was with me with Krystal, she had a combination of strong red and blue lights on her – while she and her outfit both look quite purple in color, I was able to pretty much balance for b&w tones. Again, the black background made that part easy. Oona came out into a strong pink light complimented by a little of green (pink is the worst, washing out flesh tones). It was something of a struggle, but the bit of green helped.

While I brushed out the partial State Theater Havre de Grace sign above the performers in the rest of the images, the intro shot showed a tad more so I left it on this one. The Street Theater is a very old cinema being gradually converted to live performance.

Krystal Nicole


Added to the Hafla folio HERE… all full size, attempting to keep in order of appearance as much as possible. (dancers welcome to download and use at will).