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Whew – Now to Look at Show Images

Apr 15, 2022

After a rough week of dress rehearsal, two shows and far too many exposures – including setting Nan up with a remote to a second camera on the tripod for full-stage views, I’ve caught up with all the sorting and posting of color jpegs for Rogue and can begin. Lighting was interesting, sometimes flashing colors on and off like a fire engine. Ofter the brights vs shadows were too far apart even for RAW exposure (that’s about five stops). So “recovered” is appropriate here.

The intro shot, above: the cast divided themselves between the two wings of the stage to wave their good-byes to the villian of the show as he stomped off through the audience here the right side of the stage. I opened with one of the performance shots because I needed one from which to make the thumbnail for the Rogue index page.

Below, the cast photo – along with the band portrait. Not fine art stuff, or even the photographer catching a moment, but necessary. I did get the house to raise the lights a little, then simply dealt with what I got.

I used these to set up a second folio for this show – just for the Performance(s) – on one or two occasions to fill in with exposurs from dress rehearsal where I could get the angle. Link to Performance Folio… where I will try to present a good cross-section of show moments. By the way, it was a phenomenal show.

Note: After working so long on traditional b&w photography, creating works of art, I’m enjoying taking up the medium to record, in b&w, what most people these days do in color. The exercise looks on color as sort of a noise, something to be judiciously eliminated in order to show the truths underneath. While individual images, as interesting as they can be because of the individuals photographed, are just one part of a whole. The art emerges as the images come together to tell the story.