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"You'll be Back" – No, he won't…

Jun 4, 2022

The plot comes to something of an end with the Smooth Criminal’s farewell solo – followed by his exit (through the audience) to the taunts of the troupe. By now we all know what’s to come at this point – a couple of rousing finale numbers. That leaves a couple of parting shots for maybe two more postings to finish this up. These show Brian Ruff, very much in character, responding to his ouster. My favorite from this number from each of the two night time performances. I find the subtle differences between performance fascinating.

The taunts as he left – the second one was already posted at the beginning of this, I’m including it here for continuity. Brian leaves the stage and suddenly everyone leans in from the two wings to join in the fun.

In the Next Chapter folio HERE(p.4 of the folio, downloadable)