Expanding my Street Chess Collection – First Friday
Aug 9, 2022
First Fridays have a lot going on. So having a number of ongoing collections, the happenings scattered throughout the festival, is something of a challenge. MOre here and miss that, move there and miss this. Gotta keep moving and one’s eyes open. Fortunately Street Chess and the Drum Circle are close. Todays images add to the Street Chess collection. Three images of youngsters, their parents standing by and enjoying something of a break while the kids are preoccupied familiarizing themselves with chess pieces.
There are often serious games going on, although as a chess player myself I can’t see how they can concentrate. The final image shows, cigar in hand, this fellow has just pushed his pawn to f6, blocking and threatening the bishop that had just moved to g5, threatening his queen.
These have been added to the First Friday collection here… I shot a few more shots, enough for one more posting. I was hoping for some dusk shooting, but the rain it did come, rather quickly.