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First Friday in June – #1, Rogue Swan cast hand out show flyers, in full dress…

Jun 8, 2024

I did get a couple of interesting shots from June’s first Friday, but only time to do one up today. Check out Rogue Swan cast members taking a break from handing out mini-flyers announcing their 10th Anniversary Vaudeville show at the Star Center June 28 and 29. Saturday night tickets are $15 each but Friday night is something of a community service – seating is by whatever one wants to pay. And they mean “whatever”. So, since you would be carzy to miss this one, and if the cost of seating is an issue, just come on down, and bring the family.

left to right: Amy Tucker, Katie Gordon, Lilli Gordon, L.H James Watson, Caleb Gordon and April Monique. This is a big production with a large cast and band. From my postings one can see the effort being put into the numbers – song, dance, skits, fun…

In the rehearsal folio HERE.