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Rogue's 10th Anniversary Cast and Band – 1

Jun 3, 2024

This will have to come in parts – due both to the workload on my part and procrastination on the part of dome members of the troupe. Here’s the first three cast portraits: the intro shot above is Will Conway – violinist with a mischievist nature who can always be counted on to add a couple of moments of surprise and humor to the proceedings. Always thinking. 

Then, below, Dane Hutchinson, a important song-and-dance addition to the cast.

Last Jimmyo Burril, who’s perspective on sitting for a portrait is don’t worry about being ready, just do it. Usually he has a couple of roles along with being the troupe’s drummer. As far as a practical use of the portraits goes, April will crop the heck out of all these as head shots for the program. As always, if any of the cast want a 8x10 print of their portrait, I’ll work it up. 

Alll in the growing rehearsal folio HERE.