b&w images • blog • project journal

:Howl" and Jasper on Drums

Jul 11, 2024

Moxie (Marion) sang “Howl” from way back in the dark far right corner. She did have a bright lignt on her through – awfully bright. Over two nights I gave it maybe three dozen shots º trimming that down to a handful or color jpegs. Zeroing in on the b&w was difficult, Nan really helps in cases like this. I used a relatively small part of the exposure, but didn’t seem to suffer much loss…

The second shot here is of Jasper Burril burning up the drums during Bottom of the River. This one is somwhat on the “soft” side – I used less than a fifth of the exposure, utilizing just about every trick I know. Musician are often in the back in very low light. Add to that combination the fact that what little light they have is so often blue and the challenge is on. But I do like the effect too much to let myself to be daunted by a couple of weaknesses…

Maybe I’ll work up a couple more of the band images before I tackle Mariners Revenge…