Welcome to Mystery…
Jul 5, 2024
Rogue Swan has a tradition, in their vaudeville productions, of opening the show with “Welcome to Mystery”. This is accompanied by a sort of organized chaos of players interracting and doing “stuff”. Not much there for my short zoom, but I like to grab a few closeups with the long monster. The intro shot here is Bre and April at the costume rack stage left (right to us) singing along. Of course it was bathed in blue light (argh).
The second shot is of Jess Langley – everyone is their first name in the group unless there are others with the same name. Then they are addressed by the whole. I fall into this too – always the full James Craig – James (Watson) retaining the first name honors. Anyway, Jess was in white light, a lot more straightforward a file to work up. She has that look on her face that says: what the hell do you want? Combine that with the fact that the huge array of knives and sword she’s wearing is actually hers, and not plastic.
Working on getting the show images done, finishing by This is Havre de Grace book and cleaning up the site here…… in that order.