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Sweeney Todd – Some final bows…

Jan 30, 2025

This was quick and hectic, with the audience standing (myself behind them jockying for position and holding the camera above my head). First a wide shot with everyone in it. Because the shot had to be so wide, I had to enhance its resolution – and no way could even consider trying to eliminate floor mics and speaker boxes.

Then a couple of groupings followed by a line-up of the supporting cast. Ending with Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett…

Now, to work on placing images into the pdf eBook for the event. At the same time, I’m working up a quick “Zine” file for possible distribution, if I find that anyone is interested (any moniew would go to Rogue Swan).

SWEENEY TODD is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
