Sweeney Todd – Some final bows…

This was quick and hectic, with the audience standing (myself behind them jockying for position and holding the camera above my head). First a wide shot with everyone in it. Because the shot had to be so wide, I had to enhance its resolution – and no way...
Sweeney Todd – Epilogue, and some very serrious faces…

the finale is a reciting of the Sweeney Todd theme by the cast. I took a number of exposures, attempting mainly to make sure everyone was covered. Lots going on on stage, so I had to work quick to decide on where to shoot. The absoulte end is covered by...
Sweeney Todd – the "Final Scene"…

The story of Sweeney Todd ends in the dark basement where the large oven is. No more comic relief – begins with a not quite dead yet Judge grabbing Mrs. Lovett’s ankle and ends up with toby, in front of witnesses, giving a willing Sweeney a “close shave”....
Sweeney Todd – Lucy and the Judge in the chair…

The lead-up to th end continues in Sweeney’s shop. The Beggar Woman (Lucy ) shows up while Johanna is hidden. Sweeney discovers Lucy and disposes of her in great haste – as the Judge arrives. The images tell the story up to where Johanna is discovered and...
Sweeney Todd – Toby finds out, Johanna hides, Lucy on the shop…

In a race to the end here. Beginning with Toby finding a finger, witnessing the after/shave and then being searched for by Sweeney adn Mrs. Lovett. The last has been posted before so I added more to this posting…
Anthony brings Hohanna to hide...

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2024 Bellydance images added to the Hafla Folio HERE
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